Niene Boeijen

I am a freelance full stack web map developer. Check my online projects for my work online and workshops and presentations.

In my free time I am a artist and tinkerer. Check my offline projects

Check About me to know more about me.

Flower & Bean stake dress

This flower dress started with finding this beautiful flower fabric in a second hand shop. Stuff started growing from there and I ended up with this dress. Including a bean stake growing around my waste, arm and head. I did not had a clear idea what to make so it just grew to be this.

For the skirt I made one full length circle skirt from the flower fabric and one full length circle skirt from red satin.

Both skirts are attached to a belt.

The top is made from velvet fabric and the flower fabric again. I adjusted the pattern to get a bit more puffy sleeves on the shoulders. Though the effect wasn’t that exaggerated as I expected. I guess the flower fabric( no clue what kind of fabric it is) dit not lend itself for this.

I gathered up some of the dress on the side.

Bean stake

Setting up the frame

First I attached all the beans and leaves to the main wire frame. And then I started wrapping the wire in organza straps of different greens.


For the necklace I sew a base from the red satin fabric. Then I glued on all the felt balls.